Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

The dictionary defines mother as, "to care for or protect like a mother; act maternally toward" and synonyms for mother are: "tend, nurse, mind, raise". On this Mother's Day it is only appropriate that I give kudos, a giant shout out, if you will, to my mom. What a year and a half. What utter disparity we have felt. What pain and agony life has dealt us. We have wanted out - out of life, out of sickness, out of all this side of Heaven has to offer. When I have been in my darkest moments, and wanted nothing more than to be done, I called mom. It hasn't been once or twice, it's been countless times. And countless times she has stepped up to be what I only hope I can be a fraction of someday.

She has tended - she has been at Mike's side while he was falling on his face several times daily. She has been by Mike's side through surgeries and procedures and painful medical tests. Tended.

She has nursed. She has been Mike's physical nurse and my emotional. She has helped us feel better in ways we didn't know we were hurting. She has advocated for Mike in countless hospitals. She has cared for him at his sickest moment when I just couldn't juggle all the balls anymore. Nursed.

She has minded. Mom has seen the best of the Durkees and the worst - she has observed and noticed things about us that needed correction, in love. A yr and a half of illness can be unpleasant on marriage and personal character, but mom had a way of encouraging, in love, the things that she saw in us. Minded.

She has raised. At 32 yrs old, I can say mom is still raising me. She has lived a lifetime of struggle with Ben and has an attitude of joy, encouragement and tender-heartedness. How many times I called her in hysterics telling her I couldn't do one more day, telling her God left me, that He didn't love me. And in her gentle spirit of love, she would remind me not to "let the enemy convince you He doesn't care. He knows intimately what you are going through. He understands it better than any of us could. He has not taken His eyes off of you for one second - even if it feels that way". She sent me that note, when I was perhaps at my lowest in all of this. And at the end she wrote, "wish we could take it all away" . . . . and at the very depths of my heart I know that's true - that they did desire to take it from us. In the depths of my heart I know she ached for us and yet was determined that God was there and we'd get through, just like she has all these years with Ben. She has indeed raised - raised three kids, one with immense challenges, raised my eyes in times of darkness, and raised my hope when I thought I had none. Raised.

Kudos to my mom - kudos to the moms out there who "tend, nurse, mind, raise". May you know you are loved. May you feel celebrated beyond Mother's Day. May you be convinced on the toughest "being a mom" days that on the other side of this life there is One that will hold you and tell you "well done". Love you, mom, more than words can type. My prayer is that one day, by God's grace, I may be half the mother you are . . . for I will count that great success and joy. Most of all, I will know that I am doing what God has called me to, in the enormous job of being mom.

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