Monday, April 16, 2012

Sympathy Pains

So apparently, I have the need to feel Mike's pain in a VERY miniscule way. Mike had a funky lump removed from his chest, I had a growing mole removed from my face . . . both results normal. Mike has passed 4 stones at a time, I passed one yesterday. In a small way, I feel like these experiences keep me connected to the pain he feels and REMINDS me of the battle he fights every day. This has been my prayer - that my sympathy and empathy continue for Mike, that my mind remembers the daily pain he faces, that I would not lose sight of the compassion I had for him through the suffering when all this started years ago. Today, there is good news. Today, I am thankful for a strong man who is battling this far better than I could ever hope to. Don't forget us, friends. Don't forget to give thanks for released stones and negative biopsies! Please pray for Mike as he is having a hard time healing from surgery and sees the surgeon tomorrow. This comes as no surprise as his body has a very poor ability to heal due to the endocrine issues. He follows up with the dr in Boston in May for more scans of the pituitary, possible sinus surgery and hopefully a direction for treatment. Love to you all!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you once again for sharing your lives, Becca! I am so reminded of how we are to praise God in every high and every low....and yet, sometimes our struggles are so deep...maybe that is when we need to praise Him even more! Think I need to spend time in the! Praying for the Durks!!
