Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Mike has gone 5 nights without seizures! This is the longest he has gone and we feel like he is starting to turn a corner. He still has not heard back from the Mayo Clinic but the combination of meds for his adrenal gland insufficiency, seizure meds and intense exercise program seems to be working! Each day he feels a little bit better! He still has headaches but he pushes through them and refuses to let them consume his day. He is so much more himself lately and it is so good to see him start to have more good days than bad. He and Becka have been enjoying being back together and they have had a good time de-stressing and relaxing. Becka is starting to unwind from a long and difficult school year and is much more hopeful about Mike's health. In order for him to be able to drive again he must be 6 mos seizure free. Let the count down begin!

Today is Mike's Birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MIKE!!!

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