Saturday, June 19, 2010

Saturday Morning Update

This has been a rather discouraging week for the Durkees. Mike's headaches have increasingly been worse this week. He has had a few weeks where the intensity of them has been less and even a few days he has actually felt good. Yesterday he took a nap because his head was pounding so much. He had 2 small seizures while he was sleeping. Last night while sleeping he had 5 more! His head hurts more then it has in a long time. This is hard for both him and Becka since it feels like a big step backwards. Mayo still has not contacted him but we are hoping they have already sent treatment recommendations to his PC, who they will see on Monday. We are hoping the docors are correct when they say getting the headaches under control will stop the seizures. Since an attempt to control the headaches hasn't been started yet we are anxious to get moving in that direction!

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