Saturday, April 10, 2010

April 10th Update

Mike had a total of 5 seizures on Friday two of which he had with his friend, Steve, who is a nurse. The only good thing about these is they don't last as long as the passing out episodes. 3-5 minutes compared to 5-14.

On Monday he has an app't with the neurologist. His PC wants him to have a complete endocrine work up with an endocrinologist. His cortisol level is very low and some of his other symptoms point to a problem in this area. He wants to look further at the pituitary area. He has many symptoms pointing to either pituitary disease or pituitary tumor which frequently doesn't show up on MRI and is very hard to diagnose. We are hoping to get an neuro radiologist to compare the Boston films with the Ohio films. These seizures definitely seem to be brought on by a position change. Boston films show an inverted dens bone in his neck. The thought Boston had was that if this bone is unstable it was possible that it was interfering with the natural flow of cerebral spinal fluid. If that were the case a neuro surgeon would have to surgically go in and stabilize the bone with screws and or some type of bone plate. The problem is, Ohio's films don't show an inverted dens bone. Maybe it's just us, but it seems to us if one set shows it and another doesn't...wouldn't that indicate a possible instability? Just saying...EVERY neurologist we ask about this says "We can't make a diagnosis based on another hospital's tests or films, we have to do our own". Thus the reason no one has compared the two sets of films. Is that crazy or what? Maybe this isn't the problem but why not at least look at it?

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