Sunday, November 6, 2011

back to UC

So last week, Wednesday, Mike went to the headache specialist and the dr took a look at Mike's recent MRI and called the ENT surgeon while Mike was still in the office. The headache specialist saw a sinus pocket that was filled and most likely causing the head pain. The ENT surgeon said he could fit Mike into surgery in 2 days instead of waiting another week when the surgery was scheduled. We made arrangements and then the hospital called and told Mike it was scheduled for Monday, tomorrow, and that he had to have tests done the next day (Thursday). On Friday, the doctor called and said the recent tests showed the sinus pockets had shrunk and the surgery was off but that Mike needed to go into the hospital for pain management and more tests. Did ya catch all that?
Friday night, I took Mike to University Hospital and it is likely he will be there until Tuesday. They are running antibody tests, doing an MRA, MRD and spinal tap (youch!). At this point, the endocrine team and headache dr are toying with a possible diagnosis but are doing more tests to rule other things out. 4 years ago the "guru" of this rare disease was at University Hospital, and if it turns out this is the answer, we will get his contact information and follow up with him.
I dare not get my hopes up that this is the answer, for I have learned it is easier to accept my low expectations than be disappointed by my false hopes. I know that sounds bad, but it doesn't hurt as much.
On a personal note, Mike and I have experienced so much loss over the course of this illness, and the culminating grief has affected us both more deeply than I think we can comprehend. This week we are scheduled to see a grief/marriage counselor to help us deal with all the emotions that come with this journey. We don't have family close and we are both dealing with very separate stress and loss. Job, finances, health, independence, 3 grandparents and an uncle have been lost in recent years and on some level, we have lost the support of each other as we are left to deal with our own very different emotions.
Please pray that this hospital stay is fruitful and our counselor can help us muddle through the past years' loss.
Love you all,


  1. Still praying for the most for you.

  2. I am praying right now about the requests that you shared. That is a lot of loss! :(
